Virtually Adopt A Wolf-Dog

Be the difference in an abandoned wolf-dog’s life.

  • Aspen

    Aspen was rescued as a pup from an exotic animal breeder in Tennessee. He arrived riddled with parasites, and the vets warned us that he might not survive. With none of the medication working quickly enough, our founder prepared a special herbal broth for him daily. Thanks to this care, alongside warmth and love, Aspen made a full recovery. Today, he’s one of the happiest, goofiest members of our Jaws and Paws pack. Aspen loves getting his pack-mates involved in play and fun, spreading joy despite his tough beginnings.

  • Aqua

    Aqua came to us from Marley’s Mutts (she arrived to them as an owner surrender). She was pulled from her mother at only five weeks old and therefore suffered from digestive issues. We were afraid that she was never going to eat properly and she couldn't put on weight at all. She had no interest in food and was terrified of humans. Our founder fostered her, and it was only with the help of Anjali’s dog, Sapphire, that Aqua began to recover. Sapphire acted as a mother figure, guiding Aqua to eat and giving her the safety and warmth she needed to grow. Aqua has since transformed, growing into a confident wolf-dog who loves ear rubs and meeting new friends.

  • Chaos

    Chaos was surrendered as a puppy by his previous owner in Georgia who ran an educational center for wildlife. Chaos was initially deemed unsuitable to be an ambassador for wolves. Ironically, he’s now one of our main ambassadors at Jaws and Paws, not only helping people overcome their fear of dogs and wolves alike - but also being a symbol for wild wolf conservation. When he first arrived, he was frightened and underweight, but with the help of our staff and his big sister, Bliss - Chaos quickly found his confidence. Chaos absolutely loves children and loves meeting new people. His favorite snack is pumpkin and he loves giving kisses. Chaos is a shining example of the way that wolves and wolf-dogs have been plagued with misconceptions; as he breaks down barriers with connection, understanding, and patience.

  • Sacred

    Sacred is one of the puppies of Storm, whom we rescued while pregnant from a trailer yard in Lancaster. We are constantly grateful that Sacred and his siblings were born into our sanctuary instead of the trailer yard - where his mother and her own siblings were severely neglected and abused. Although Sacred has some of his mother's elusive behavior, he has formed beautiful bonds with our caretakers. He constantly smiles and loves butt scratches. He is a sweetheart and helps us integrate new pack members because of his patience.

  • Shasta

    Shasta and her siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Shasta likes to warn her pack of danger. She is very elusive but incredibly loyal and loving to her caretakers and siblings. She has the sweetest smile and is our golden wolf-dog princess. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Titan

    Titan and his father were rescued from a breeder in Stockton who abused and neglected them. Titan spent most of his life chained to a pole, covered in thorns, with a wire collar embedded in his skin. We weren’t sure he’d ever trust humans again after such horrific abuse. However, meeting Oracle helped open his heart. Now, Titan is one of the most social wolf-dogs at Jaws and Paws, enjoying hikes with Oracle and treats from our caretakers. He exemplifies forgiveness and second chances, and we’re honored that he trusted us enough to heal.

  • Oracle

    Oracle was re-homed to a previous Jaws and Paws employee after being bred in Louisiana, and eventually ended up full time at Jaws and Paws. She arrived severely anemic from malnutrition and suffered from arthritis and hip dysplasia. Oracle is one of our oldest wolf-dogs and she’s a sweet and loving soul. Thanks to a nutritious diet, Oracle is no longer anemic, and while she still struggles with arthritis, she’s living a content life with her boyfriend, Titan. She enjoys wading in the creek and going on weekly hikes, embodying strength and love in everything she does.

  • Spirit

    Spirit is one of the puppies of Storm, whom we rescued while pregnant from a trailer yard in Lancaster. We are constantly grateful that Spirit and her siblings were born into our sanctuary instead of the trailer yard - where her mother and her own siblings were severely neglected and abused. Spirit is a force of light and cheer. She is constantly bounding and prancing, whether it be with her mother or with her favorite caretakers. She has her own little dance when she gets excited. Spirit has been through a lot medically - and had a tumor that kept coming back on her head. Luckily, with the help of her mother's healing licks, the tumor went away and never came back. Spirit is in wonderful health now and is the smallest of all of our wolf-dogs.

  • Bliss

    Bliss was an owner surrender from Tennessee. She came to us severely abused, underfed, and with a gaping wound under her chin. Initially distrustful of humans, Bliss has since blossomed, thanks to the nurturing care and support of her pack. Today, she’s eager to give kisses to her human caretakers, showing just how much love can heal. She arrived at the same time as Chaos, and they helped each other grow tremendously. Bliss can be shy when meeting new people but transforms when she sees her favorite people. She loves to boss the male wolf-dogs in her pack around!

  • Echo

    Echo is one of the puppies of Storm, whom we rescued while pregnant from a trailer yard in Lancaster. We are constantly grateful that Echo and his siblings were born into our sanctuary instead of the trailer yard - where his mother and her own siblings were severely neglected and abused. Echo exhibits shy behavior at times, which was passed down by his mother who was fearful of humans because of her abuse and neglect. However, he loves getting treats from human friends and starts to warm up after some time. Echo is incredibly loving and thrives being in a pack. He loves to walk with this brother Sacred.

  • Little Brother

    Little Brother and his siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Little Brother is the leader of his pack. He is selfless and always puts the wellbeing of his siblings first - making sure they eat before he does. He was named after Mulan's dog in the Disney movie. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Storm

    Storm, rescued while pregnant from a trailer yard in Lancaster, gave birth to Sacred, Echo, and Spirit. Although initially fearful of humans, Storm’s puppies helped her open up. Today, she’s one of our most beloved wolf-dogs, and her pups have grown into healthy, happy members of the pack. Sacred loves butt scratches, Echo has stunning eyes, and Spirit is a gentle sweetheart. Storm loves to walk with her human friends and her daughter Spirit. She is sweet and shy and has a calming presence.

  • Phantom

    Phantom and his sister Arya were rescued from a landfill by Washoe County Animal Control and later came to us through Lake Tahoe Wolf Dog Rescue. Despite being labeled as a wolf-dog, Phantom's DNA test revealed he has no wolf content—mislabeling is a common issue in rescue, making it harder to find homes for individuals. Both Arya and Phantom were loving and affectionate, and had clearly lived with a family before being discarded like waste. They’re part malamute, part German shepherd, and available for adoption! Phantom loves stealing kisses! Phantom would make an incredible guard dog but is also very sweet and loving. He loves going for walks and burying his bones. He’s a big fan of butt scratches. Phantom also suffered from hip dysplasia but with the help of our supplements and herbs is walking much better!

  • Arya

    Arya and her brother Phantom were rescued from a landfill by Washoe County Animal Control and later came to us through Lake Tahoe Wolf Dog Rescue. Despite being labeled as a wolf-dog, Arya’s DNA test revealed she has no wolf content—mislabeling is a common issue in rescue, making it harder to find homes for individuals. Both Arya and Phantom were loving and affectionate, and had clearly lived with a family before being discarded like waste. They’re part malamute, part German shepherd, and available for adoption! Arya, named after Arya Stark, adores kisses, long hikes, and needs a home without other animals. Arya loves to steal kisses and smother you with love. She is always smiling.

  • Maui

    Maui and his siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Maui is the biggest member of his pack and the designated watcher who is always looking out on the horizon and checking the perimeter. He is very shy but once he warms up to you, loves to sit in your lap and get butt scratches. He was named after Maui from Moana. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Sirius

    Sirius and his siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Sirius is the caretaker of his pack and a constant calming presence. He is always neutral in situations and loves to sit by his caretakers for rubs. He was named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Pocahontas

    Pocahontas and her siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Pocahontas is the queen of the pack and loves to camouflage within the mossy rocks of her habitat. She is always at one with nature and never hesitates to boss her brothers around when needed. She whines and whimpers with excitement when she sees her caretakers. She was named after the Disney Princess. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Nakoa

    Nakoa and his siblings were rescued from a hoarder in Ravendale, CA who was in the process of being shut down. Nakoa is the class clown of his pack and one of the more social pack members. He loves to excite his siblings into play mode. Nakoa's favorite thing to do is sit on his caretakers laps and not get up. He also loves giving kisses and stays making all of us laugh. We rescued over 21 adults and puppies over the course of a year from this hoarder - and luckily she was finally shut down for horrific and unsanitary conditions. Many of the animals there were dead on the ground when we had first arrived. We were very fortunate to save several puppies, whom were so young that we had to wean off milk in the first few weeks of their arrival and their mother was nowhere to be found. After coming from such horrific conditions, its incredible that these puppies were able to grow into healthy adults.

  • Zyra

    Four neglected wolf-dogs were found abandoned in a trailer yard in Lancaster, CA (Ember, Ghost, Zyra, and Midnight). Upon arrival at Jaws and Paws, they had never experienced human interaction. Over time, they’ve begun to trust us, even eating out of our hands now. Zyra, the shyest of the group, has striking lantern eyes and the highest wolf content of her pack mates. She is very elusive and can often be seen hiding in her den box. When she gets comfortable, however, she is eager to meet you at the fence. Zyra relies on her pack mates for support.

  • Midnight

    Four neglected wolf-dogs were found abandoned in a trailer yard in Lancaster, CA (Ember, Ghost, Zyra, and Midnight). Upon arrival at Jaws and Paws, they had never experienced human interaction. Over time, they’ve begun to trust us, even eating out of our hands now. Midnight is our most vocal wolf-dog. She loves to howl and bark and yelp and vocalize. Midnight is often the one to start a howl at the sanctuary, and she will always make her voice heard.

  • Ghost

    Four neglected wolf-dogs were found abandoned in a trailer yard in Lancaster, CA (Ember, Ghost, Zyra, and Midnight). Upon arrival at Jaws and Paws, they had never experienced human interaction. Over time, they’ve begun to trust us, even eating out of our hands now. Ghost, the pack leader, is affectionately called our “angry marshmallow” due to his fluff and moody nature. Although we are still working on socializing him, he has warmed up to us in some ways. We believe that Ghost and his pack mates went through absurd neglect and abuse because of the way they react towards people and even to other wolf-dogs. However, his strong and stubborn nature makes him Ghost, and we will never give up on trying to win him over!

  • Kahlua

    Kahlua came to us through a referral from Apex Protection Project Wolf Sanctuary after her Oregon breeder deemed her "no good" due to infertility. She arrived suffering from chronic seizures and severe fear of men, loud noises, and leashes—likely due to past trauma. Kahlua would often seize when triggered, making it terrifying to witness. Over time, with the help of King and Aspen, she slowly warmed up, finding comfort and confidence. Now, Kahlua loves butt scratches and is more affectionate than many of our rescues—a true symbol of healing and resilience despite her difficult past. Kahlua no longer has seizures, has gained weight, and is a steady light at our sanctuary for all of those who love and care for her. She is a true angel.

  • Ember

    Four neglected wolf-dogs were found abandoned in a trailer yard in Lancaster, CA (Ember, Ghost, Zyra, and Midnight). Upon arrival at Jaws and Paws, they had never experienced human interaction. Over time, they’ve begun to trust us, even eating out of our hands now. Ember fiercely protects her loved ones and is the fastest wolf-dog at the sanctuary. She is fierce and beautiful and bold.

  • Bash

    Bash and King were rescued from a puppy mill in Bakersfield, initially mislabeled as wolf-dogs. Terrified and ill when we got them, they quickly acclimated with the help of our founder's dogs. Bash loves his caretakers more than anything. He loves to be with people and loves going on walks. He is available for adoption and needs a loving home. He may be the sweetest dog in the world. DNA tests confirmed they are husky/shepherd mixes, but despite this, finding them homes has been difficult due to their long stay at the sanctuary and high care needs. Their story highlights the harm of mislabeling dogs as wolf-dogs.

  • Bellatrix

    Bellatrix, or Bella, was surrendered by her owner, who could no longer care for her in a small apartment with four children. Bella had no experience with other wolf-dogs and was thrilled to meet Chaos, her new pack-mate and love. With Chaos’s help, Bella quickly learned how to be part of a wolf-dog pack, and she now thrives at Jaws and Paws. Bella is one of our most social ambassadors and loves helping to educate new friends about wolves and wolf-dogs. Bella is part coyote and we sometimes believe you can hear it in her soulful howl. She is a ball of energy and loves to annoy her boyfriend Chaos nonstop. Bella loves her caretakers and is a big fan of cuddling.

  • Feyra

    Feyra had only three days left to live at Devore Animal Shelter when we rescued her. Initially skittish and fearful, she’s slowly begun to open up, even licking our hands now. With the help of Bash and other packmates, Feyra has started to show signs of happiness and affection. We’re excited to see her continue blossoming.

  • King

    Bash and King were rescued from a puppy mill in Bakersfield, initially mislabeled as wolf-dogs. Terrified and ill when we got them, they quickly acclimated with the help of our founder's dogs. King loves his squeaky toys and loves to go on hikes with his caretakers. He is a little hunter who loves to look for critters in the ground when he hikes. King is incredibly good natured and needs a forever home. He lives next to his wolf-dog friend pack who he loves to play with through the fence. DNA tests confirmed they are husky/shepherd mixes, but despite this, finding them homes has been difficult due to their long stay at the sanctuary and high care needs. Their story highlights the harm of mislabeling dogs as wolf-dogs.

In Loving Memory

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