Wolfsong | TJ Klune
Photo Courtesy of Roelia Reads
Wolfsong by TJ Klune follows the journey of young Ox, abandoned by his father who told him he'd never be understood or amount to anything. The book captures Ox's journey, illustrating how he seamlessly evolves into his authentic self, discovering not just a pack of wolves but a profound sense of home, family, and the love that eluded him.
In a world filled with self doubt, insecurity, abandonment, and internal battles, Wolfsong instills in the readers the reminder that there will be people and animals alike who will remind you of your belonging. The book continuously felt like an endless run with wolves and a breath of fresh air while immersing into a pack of wolves.
“It was warm like a summer day. It was candy canes and pinecones, it was epic and awesome, it was dirt and leaves and rain, it was grass and lake water and sunshine.” - TJ Klune
“There was a clearing in the middle of the woods. It tasted of lightning and magic. Of claw and fang. And in the middle of this clearing sat a man who had once been a boy. A boy who I had loved.” - TJ Klune